* Which abstract device types do we want for our measurement network?
* What functionality do they have to expose?
Functional units marked with a star ⭐ are planned to be part of the initial release and need to be prioritised.
# ⭐ Grimm CPC Controller
## Automatic output @ 1 Hz
* system time stamp
* measurement status line (as received from the CPC)
## On-demand output
* set-point temperatures
## Control input
* set-point temperatures
* start/stop measurement
# ⭐ rH-T-p sensor
## Automatic output @ 1 Hz
* system time stamp
* rH
* T
* p
* sensor ids
* calibration data (id)
## On-demand output
* calibration data?
* measurement modes
## Control input
* calibration data
# TSI CPC Controller
Same as Grimm.
# Relay board with current sensors